Wednesday 25 April 2007

Wickman's Week - Wednesday - 16 3rd xi fixtures

Wickman is unfit. A couple of days on a bike to work, a net and some fielding practice and he's aching like an octogenarian with rheumatoid arthritis and throbbing like a Pole in Zizzi with a pair of scissors and a pathological dislike for sausage. It's a good day for cricket but a bad day for South Africans. As Wickman writes they are attempting to claw themselves back to a respectable total in semi-final number 2... but it all looks a bit forlorn. It's a good day for the 3rd xi. AJ rings Wickman to tell him that, on balance, he reckons the 3s are more than capable of playing away fixtures as well as home ones so he'll now be booking in games not just at home on the weekends when Crossbats are playing away, but also away fixtures on alternate weekends. So that's 16 games for the 3s this year then... Wickman struggles with mathematics but he reckons that we'll be putting out the best part of 80 sides this year...

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