Thursday 19 April 2007

Who's first for the chop

With the final 4 confirmed for the semi-finals of the Carribean World Cup, there are many predicted changes in personnel throughout all the major teams. Players and coaches retiring, sackings, resignations, it's all going on. It's a time of rennaisance in cricket when people fade from public eye and others come in to take up the slack.

With the domestic season starting in earnest also it is a time of change for every club cricketer up and down the land. The nights are getting longer, cricket has returned to our TV screens at sociable hours and everyone is taking their first tentative steps out into the middle.

The question that has been rolling around my mind this morning though is which Wick player will be first for the chop from their job? The distractions of the internet alone, with this blog, the forum, county and international cricket are enough to get me into serious trouble. That is before you even take into consideration the many working hours lost to day dreaming, as the Wickman hallucinate of future glories and dwell on those just passed. Whose boss will snap first?

Adam Crane has already quit his job and plans to spend his summer on the heavy roller. He claims it was due to a lack of job satisfaction. There are murmurings in the ranks though that he has caught Wickitis, and it's contagious!

As Adam say: 'Work is the curse of the Wicking classes' You have been warned!


Bunny said...


Anonymous said...

Quiting work and goofing around for the summer sounds like a pretty good idea at the mo.