Monday 30 April 2007

Duck Tax - From Saturday - beware

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, Wickman hears that Clarky has come up with a fundraising wheeze to make you feel better about getting a blob. Not content with watching you trudge back disconsolately having been triggered by some incompetent numpty who doesn't know the rules etc etc the club will in future be imposing a duck tax of £5 per duck (£2.50 concs - Colts exempt) plus the consumption of a beverage via Nelson. This tax applies to all games including club day. If you don't like the tax you can always vote Clarky out at the next AGM. Democracy eh? At least elections come around once a year at the Wick. Alledgedly Clarky was saved from a duck on Saturday as it has reached Wickman's ear that Clarky was "plum" on Saturday but the standing umpire, Jimmy C, (employed by Clarky's company and actually in Clarky's team at work) felt unable to give it for some strange reason. Clarky tells Wickman that there would have been big trouble had it been given as it hit him on the full but his foot was outside the line. Allways the same... The Duck Tax money will be ringfenced for a closed season purchase which members will get to vote on for the benefit of the club. Quack!


Anonymous said...

Ooops I forgot my wallet...again.

Anonymous said...

First out of the taxi and last to the bar... that's why we love you anon