Sunday 8 April 2007

DominiCam (pat pending)

What's the best job at the World Cup? It's the cameraman whose detail, at the start of play on a warm day, is to find the best pair of Dominic Corks in the crowd and linger on them until the director needs them.
"This is a bit dull boys, cutaway to a pair of Dominics... 3, 2,1... yes Hallelujah that's a grand pair. Well done chaps this is top quality television".
Wickman reckons there can't BE that much to it. You just point and shoot. Let's face it - it's a also a licence to be about as unprofessional as it gets in the television industry. What other job - apart from a full-on cameraman role in the "war films" industry - is going to give you carte blanche to search out the finest looking women in the crowd, mentally undress them briefly and then just point the camera at their cleavage until your stuff is needed?
Wickman wonders whether you need much training. And if you don't, where do you apply? And if you do get the job, how do you explain to a Mrs Wickman that you are off to the Carribean to point £3000 worth of technology at Dominics for 8 weeks?
Here's a really ugly pair of Dominics.

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