Sunday 1 April 2007

In the sh1t again

A top tip for anyone Wick enough to be clearing the brambles outside the cellar door of the club. That pallet is there for a reason. As Garf discovered yesterday. Someone moved it. Some (Mackie) say Clarky wants one last season of 1s keeping. Others say Garf himself is looking to become the Lee Evans of the Wick. However it moved, Garf fell down into the cesspit and almost met a stinking demise. Imagine filling out that death certificate. Drowned in cess. Or even, died of embarrassment. Cess Fabregarf is Wick.


Anonymous said...

Alt: Garf Wader
Not gonna claim it but i think it came from Joey

Anonymous said...

Already on the forum but I'm quite proud of it.

Dunkin Goodpoo

Anonymous said...

it actually came from a teacher joey was trying to #ahem# saturday night