Thursday 14 June 2007

Too Windy for the Windies

If you had a case of dried squid you needed to rehydrate it looks like Durham would be the place to take it tomorrow. It's a Korean delicacy before you ask. Frankly, DCCC would do well to order up the UK's entire stocks. They're going to need something to soak up the entire rainfall for April which looks as if it has been saved up for tomorrow.

Durham looks set to be a washout. Or at least it doesn't look particularly special for cricket. Maybe there will be a couple of days cricket on Saturday and Sunday. And the last two days of the Test will be played out when everyone's back at work on Monday and Tuesday.

The West Indies, bar Shiv Chanderpaul and debutant Sammy, are probably hoping they can slink away back to the relative safety of home. Some of their tail enders will be running away from a newly evil looking Harmy. Where's he been? But the batsmen and all-rounders will be running away from the thinly veiled contempt in which they are held by the West Indies players of the 1970s and 1980s. Hell, even the 1990s. Listening to the bitter bile in the voices of those superstars makes almost unpleasant listening.

Well it would. If Wickman hadn't grown up watching a succession of 1970s, 80s and 90s England sides getting violently dismantled while the watching former players burnt them at the stake. What goes around comes around. The question for Wickman is whether the boot will ever be on the other foot again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

busy day up in chester-le-street? or....

you wonder why thay made durham a test match venue. if manchester is the wettest test venue in the world, why would you get another one north of it.

and dont get me started on cardiff. more water than a weekend at center parcs

the student os always right