Perhaps the most popular award of the evening at the Club Dinner was the creation of new Vice President for the Wick. Alison has been a Wick fixture since the 1980s - smuggled into the Wick by her beau of the time none other than Il Presidente Bobby Sissen. This photograph was taken on the evening and shows what two old men will do for a bit of publicity...
Christine Sewell - ex secretary and long time 1s scorer took her under her wing and Christine told Wickman that Ali eventually got around to getting interested in scoring and asked her to show her the ropes. "She was a natural and, as you will know, her scorebook is a thing of beauty because she has such lovely writing. She, like me, became fanatical about making sure the book was correct, everything added up and looked good!
"Ali is of course also great company - I have shared many good times with her both at the Club and outside it, and also enjoyed the numerous occasions on which we scored together (Club Day, midweekers, special days etc) although I believe we might have tarnished our reputations as top notch scorers at times because as the tally of drinks delivered to the scorebox mounted our concentration tended to lapse somewhat!
Am so pleased to hear that the Club has made her a VP - she richly deserves it."
Wickman agrees. Here is more detail about the woman behind the multi-coloured pen set and the commanding scorebox presence. Wickman sees no reference to the game when Ali marched out onto the sward at Ewhurst to remonstrate with JT...
1. Nickname(s): The Witch/Wickcher/Witchy Poo/Nano Brain (family nickname)
2. Highest Score for HWRCC: Undoubtedly the 2s top scorer on Saturdays from 1989 onwards until promoted to the 1s circa 2002. Sometimes top scores on Sundays by special appointment
3. Best Bowling for HWRCC: Physicality does not permit raising one's arm above chest height
4. Favourite Away Ground: Addiscombe - despite losing to them and allowing them to get promoted as I was treated like the Queen
5. Favourite Food: Toad in the Hole
6. Favourite Singer/Band: Alanis Morrisette/Coldplay
7. Favourite Movie: WALL-E
8. Favourite Book: My collection of cookery books
9. Favourite Pub/Club: Waggon and Horses in Surbiton. Too ollllld to go clubbing
10. Favourite Crisps:Pork scratchings
11. Favourite DBW Sandwich: Egg - ATS
12. Favourite Quote: "Mine's a G&T"
13. Best Wick Moment: Being made Vice-President
14. Worst Wick Moment: June 1988 - the day the club was razed to the ground a week after I officially joined the Wick - memory robs me of the exact date
15. Invite 3 People to Dinner (Dead or Alive): Maria Callas (ultimate drama queen), Chris Hoy (thighs) and Jeremy Copp (to pay the bill as we would be dining at the Fat Duck)
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