Forget the batting, bowling, fielding and player of the year award. The big prize on Club night is Wick Man of the Year. It's all very well getting out there and winning a prize for enjoying the facilities this great club has to offer, but, behind the scenes any number of stalwarts make sure that for those of us who turn up in the first week of May, stretch a bit and air out musty kit, everything is, if not quite boo, then certainly tickety.
Many people were thanked at the club dinner on Saturday for their contribution to the club in 2006. Wickman would even put some photos up had he taken a camera, or if Mackie's Mum hadn't tidied away his download lead. Dave Fudge and Paul Hibberd give of their time freely to organise social events both during the season and also during the Winter. Mark Mackie is our press man and Sunday statistician. Goldy (how do you spell that surname?) captained the Sunday side - a labour of great love with a Sunday morning hangover and only seven confirmed... Andy Moore (the only man with his own club song) has dragged the 2s kicking and screaming to two respectable placings in two years. Chris Hirsch was also recognised for his fantastic contribution to the colts set-up which continues to flourish after 8 years with Chris at the helm.
Three people were nominated for the trophy. Gareth Jones - 1s keeper and protector of the great tradition of wicket keeping sideburns started by the great Godfrey Evans - was nominated for having a fabulous season behind the sticks, for beginning the process of forging proper links between the senior sides and the colts and for revamping the club website.
Jim Dowler was nominated for his tireless work behind the scenes. When Jim took over the running of the bar he demonstrated that it was extraordinary that a club like ours can't make money on its operation. His quiet revolution has ensured that there are systems in place to make sure that we continue to make money and the club goes from strength to strength.
Kirk Laight received the final nomination. Kirk joined the club two years ago and last season was the leading wicket taker for the 2s with his big swinging lef arm over stuff. As former 1s skipper Pete Culham pointed out it's "amazing" that the one person who probably attended every net from January to September, was the season's most improved player. Not only did he achieve that, in 2005 he set up the HWRCC forum which has kept those of us with nothing better to do highly amused during the dark days of winter.
But the winner came from outside this field. Keith has worked tirelessly for the club during the last few years. From the depths of despair in 2004 when the two Saturday sides managed fewer than five victories between them and there were seldom 22 players available, Keith has marshalled the club's resources and through almost Stakhanovite example has dragged the club out of a malaise caused by the retirement of virtually two full sides after the Millennium. He hasn't done it alone of course, but he's the one who has been everywhere, at all times of the day and night and at personal expense both financially and in terms of the time he lovingly devotes. He is what it means to be Wick. Wickman salutes him.
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