Can you imagine this room full of Wick past and present? Can you see Bobby standing up and welcoming you, glass in hand, to the first Wick Dinner since - well - forever? Can you imagine seeing that trophy presented again to Matty D? Wickman hears that club dinner tickets are selling like hot cakes. The first club dinner for years is going to be a sell out and a massive reunion. Nicholls has taken a table. Richard Jell is rumoured to be involved in complex negotiations over a table. Ben Stephens has taken a table. Micky McMahon has taken a table. Old faces are flocking. Clownsy and Cranesy have been on the case and entertainment is booked. Raffle prizes are being assembled. Wickman is hoping that there will be a leg of lamb in the raffle. Pork at a push. There is talk of Karaoke. With Hibby in the room... are we sure? There will be speeches from club dignatories. The final few tickets are up for sale at the moment. Please get in touch with Dom, Cranesy or Clarky and let them know whether you can make it. £40. Bargain. Come and be part of the first memory of the season... 24 March...
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