Monday 5 May 2008

Next Social

The next social at the club will be new members' evening on 17 May. Entry is a modest £3 to cover some minor costs. Your compere for the evening will be Paul Hibby Hibberd and your DJ - none other than Resident denizen of the wheels of steel, DJ Fudgey Fudge of GeniusSound. Ideally we would like there to be dancing and rapid consumption of alcohol leading to intoxication and the having of fun in the company of adults. So you will need to plan ahead. Find approximately £25 and put it in a drawer. Do not touch this until the morning of 17 May. Write in diary "New Members Evening at The Wick". Tell significant others the cold hard facts that they can either join you down the Wick or nothing. If you are a new member, do not even THINK about being somewhere else (new members is defined by not having been to a new members evening before which is the vast majority of the club) and think of it as an opportunity to make new friends and therefore enjoy your cricket more this year. Thank you. May 17. 8pm or whenever the last car returns to the Wick.


Anonymous said...

We've never had a new members night before, so everyone has to go. End of. Also, well done on the use of the apostrophe after members. The apprentice could learn a lot from you Wickman.

Wickman said...

anon. there is no excuse for bad grammer.