Sunday 18 February 2007

Wick or Village?

It's important to know if you are 'Wick' or 'Village'. Wickman consults Club Captain Matty D for a definitive view. He's the one in the cricket shirt.
"'Wick' is an all embracing term that summarises a moment, action or event that can be considered special, unusual, original or typical. It is good. It is 'of the Wick'. Similarly 'Not Wick' recognises the opposite where the moment, action or event is not good, beneficial/enjoyable to the parties involved.
If something is Village, it is of a very poor standard indeed, almost to the point where it is so bad it is laughable. However describing something as Village embues it with a mystical power even though by all rational thinking it should not be."
Uses: "That's Nicholls. He's Wick" (Keith Nicholls is the club chairman - the other photo here - it would be difficult to find someone who was more Wick than Nicholls) or "See that bowler? He's Village. Which means he is very likely to trap me dead in front" (The bowler is deemed to be of Village standard - but he is likely to bowl an uplayable ball and have me LBW. Especially now I have called him 'Village').

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