Sunday 22 February 2009

Should you ever trust a man with a moustache?

The whole Alan Stanford situation / ECB getting into bed with a fraudster may seem comical to some people. Expect for the next few weeks at least to seeing those pictures of Viv, Beefy and Alan behind that mountain of cash being looped on the 24 hour news channels. I must admit it is kind of funny.

Unsurprisingly, questions are being asked of the ECB at the moment. Was there appropriate vetting of his financial arrangements, etc, etc, seems to be a common one. However to this writer, the question not being asked is: can you ever trust a man with a moustache?

Can I suggest you can't? Historians have been analysing moustaches for thousands of years, and it common knowledge that if you sport a moustache, for longer than just one day, you are either:
  • A pervert / deviant
  • A PE Teacher (the above point combines with this one)
  • A dictator
  • A flasher (think big overcoat); or
  • A fraudster

Hitler, Stalin....and now Stanford. I could name others but for the life of me can't think of anymore at the moment. Oh, Alan Border is another. Boonie as well. The question has to be: would you trust any of these men? Of course not.

Wickman Junior

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
