Sunday 1 July 2007


It was seriously wet on Saturday. Almost too wet for flag bowls. Here Matty D was in no way overestimating the dampness of the Wick track by not wearing shoes. You could have white-water-rafted on it. Lownsy used the time to prepare for what was, by all accounts, a cracking evening at the club Hawaiian style. The Leo Sayer may have contributed to some people being ever so slightly more hammered than usual... here's the sort of Leo Sayer you don't want to spend all day on.
For those of you worried about the implications of a complete washout for league cricket, the 2s actually extended their lead slightly over Merrow who didn't even get the four points we picked up for the abandonement. However - it does give them a massive opportunity to close the gap unless they are washed out on August 4th... Game on!

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