It's that time of year again. The dust has settled in DBW's kitchen. There's a winter tour on somehwere where the Sun shines every day. Contact with Wick members is limited to early morning grunting at unshaven hollow-eyed worker drones heading up to town to earn some shillings to spend in the bar next Summer.
Out of the gloom of a December so wet that even golf seems a chore, suddenly there was a bright light. Yes - the Wick end of season dinner happened on Saturday. Long enough after the season to allow rancour at poor umpiring decisions on club day to pass aside and soon enough before Christmas for it to be the first big seasonal engagement for most, the Dinner kicked off December in fine style.
Dom Lown and David Fudge organised a fine Wick evening which has gone down already as one of Matty G's favourite Wick nights - which is praise indeed as Matty G has had many legendary Wick nights. The Wick herself looked fabulous. Many, many thanks to Dom's mum who tirelessly worked at all the little things to make the place look special. Dom's catering folk turned up three courses of very edible food, attractively priced and tasty wine washed it down and Harry Copeland's "Let Get Science" entertained us until the early hours. For some the hours were earlier than others...
The evening is in part to celebrate achievements on the field (of which more later) and to recall deeds of derring do (and some not quite so derring) and partly to swell the coffers of the club after a Summer of expense. Dom and David - with kind assistance from Mickey McMahon, the brothers Webster, Coley and others including Golby who provided prizes, managed to make an excellent return on the evening, clearing four figures in the silent auction and bar profits alike. Well done to Cranesy for securing the much competed for Wentworth Golf Day with the Websters for an eye-watering sum.
This important evening really makes a difference to our club - and what better way to spend an evening's fund raising than in the company of friends. Thanks Dom and Dave for a great evening. Wickman's levels of Wickness, dangerously low after an Autumn away, have been recharged... along with Club funds...
[A sobering moment as Cranesy realises his Wentworth dream will come true - Ed]
1 comment:
does 5am count as early?
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