Monday 7 December 2009

2009 Fielder of the Year

The Winner:

Marc Holland

The most high profile of all the summer transfers, Ol' Soft Gloves re-re-joined the Wick in 2009 after arriving on a “Bosman” from near neighbors, Old Paulines. Taking the gloves for the 1xi was a challenge he relished and glowing reports of textbook glove work and nimble feet were backed up with 14 dismissals in 13 league starts. A great comeback year, from the comeback king!

The nominees:

Derek Soppitt

A fantastic fielder who always seems to be in the running for club honors at the end of any season. Ol' old hands has made the position of Mid-Off his own and is a captain’s dream due to his excellent availability and constant encouragement for the bowlers. Delboy managed to grab 9 dismissals this season with 8 catches and 1 run-out showing the youngsters the way and proving that age “ain’t, nothing but a number”

James Cameron

11 catches were plucked by the paws of Cimmy G this season making him a fielder for all opposition batsmen to avoid. Witnesses claim they saw him grab rasping drives and powerful cuts hit so hard that they had no idea how they stuck! Two words… jelly beans! Unfortunately Ol' sticky fingers is presently plucking his way around Asia. But fear not the newly elected 3xi skipper will be back in time for the start of the 2010 season and sends this message in his absence… Believe!

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