Tuesday 24 March 2009

NatWest Cricket Weekend - April 4th - What can you do?

Plans are at an advanced stage for Natwest cricket force weekend. Interest from the sponsors themselves means that this year the tasks we have set ourselves will be more ambitious than usual.

The old nets are to be torn up in preparation for the new bases to be laid the following weekend. Those batting members who have been castled by shooters from trundlers like Clarky and Matty D over the years will be ready with the pickaxes no doubt.

The entire clubhouse needs to be painted again on the outside.

Carpetting is being replaced upstairs after years of dribbling members spilling their London Pride and Nelson droppings onto the carpet.

Flagpoles are being refurbished.

The bar is being deep cleaned (Wickman does look forward to being about to go behind the bar without the telltale skritch of shoe sole on sticky floor).

The changing rooms are being spruced up with a lick of paint and the mens' loos too. Rumour has it that DBW is even retiling and decorating the ladies' loos. How civilised!

The thing is... we need your help. Outside volunteers - from Natwest - will be turning up for the day and we need to show some muscle (or painting skills) as well. There's a lot of preparatory work to do and a great deal of square footage to cover. The committee hopes that you will donate at least half a day to the cause of smaretening the club up and getting it ready for the season.

Please make a pledge via email to dominic_lown@hotmail.com of what you can do on the day or how much time you can give us.

[Here is a picture of a previous Natwest Cricket Force team exhausted after a long day's hard effort - Ed]

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