Friday 16 January 2009

Player Recruitment - your club needs you!

After the success of the last 2 season's recruitment side, which has seen many new faces and the ability to put out a 3rd league team and get them promoted at the first attempt, now is the time to start with this season's drive.

Our international webmaster Garth has designed a great poster to help with this.

If you want the flyer sent to you, email dom ( and will forward onto you.

Please print it off, hand them out, stick it up, forward on etc to as many people you know. With the Ashes this year, cricket is going to be big this summer and a great time to get people to take the game back up. This is an important stage for the club. A lot of hard work has gone into getting teams into the Surrey Championship and increasing the pool of players helps both on and off the pitch.

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