Tuesday 2 October 2007

TV whores travel to Canterbury...

In a shocking development for pre-watershed television, a number of whores appeared on daytime television this Sunday. The three publicity-seeking whores spent more time on screen than most of the cricketers playing in the North Gear Premier League 2020 National Finals. Someone watching television innocently on Sunday was moved to remark that it was particulrly unfair on little children that one of the whores was trying so hard to get onto television that they actually elbowed a small child out of the way when the ball came.


Sidle said...

In the 5th pic, a pixellated Clarky looks like Sloth from the Goonies

Anonymous said...

the ol' tight jeans society

Anonymous said...

Fudgey "Mum, have you seen me on TV today?"

Fudgey's Mum "Many times..."