Wednesday 1 August 2007

3s - Saturday

With the 1s and 2s on a break from League cricket the 3s are at home on Saturday and Keith has generously allowed them to use to the main square... here's the team. Why not get down and support them? Let's face it, how few of you have actually got around to organising something else in the interim???! Certainly I have heard tell of a number of individuals who will be sinking a few Robert Wagners on the balcony... Details as per usual for home games.

Doddy, Risman, High, Crane, Lloyd, Copeland H (+), Cameron, Nicholas, Linter, Taylorson, Iqbal

1 comment:

Sidle said...

good support for the 3's would be awesome - nothing like playing in front of a wick balcony packed to the rafters offering their support.