Wednesday 8 October 2008

Club Dinner 8 - Club Man of the Year

Ah Club Man of the Year. If you think of the Oscars most people are interested in which lovey is going to pick up best actor and crap on for five minutes about how their dear old mum fed them at the breast until they were six years old to give them the confidence to pretend to be someone else for a living. Then some skinny sort in a ridiculous frock will get up on stage and blither on and weep until the producer manages to drown her out with the advert music. In the same way, batsman and bowler are the best actor and actress; player of the year is probably best film. erm. probably.

If you are still with me at this point do hang on. The pain will eventually go away, Wickman promises.

Club Man of the Year is something like Best Director. It's not the glamour award. Nope it's not about the runnssssss or wickets. It's about what goes on off the pitch. It's about every time you look around, that person is there. Often not leading the charge. But there. Natwest weekend that person will be there. They'll be at all the socials. They'll probably have done something to put the social you are at together. Perhaps its only organising the food one week. Maybe the next time its the invites. Or the music. Collecting the cash. Something.

This year Lownsy won Club Man of the Year by a country mile. This correspondent can't think of a facet of club life that he was not involved in. He played a sackful of games. He put massive amounts of time into getting things publicised, getting things fixed, getting socials to happen. Every time a call went out to turn up to the club and do a bit, Lownsy was there. And this year on top of all the "minor" bits and pieces he gets up to and pies he has fingers in he organised the Club Dinner itself. At the club. And not only did he coordinate it, he actually did 90 per cent of the physical work too.

It would have been far far easier to organise it at a local hotel, turn up, collect the hats and coats and enjoy the evening. Instead he put himself out so that the club could make money. Frankly this correspondent thought the evening knocked spots off the Sandown and Kingston events and will now set the standard for future events. In a post coming to a blog near you soon, Wickman will reveal how much money was raised, who donated what and who else we have to thank for that evening and then we will be able to put a figure on Dom's contribution. And it will be very, very impressive.

[One of the greatest Wick Men of all, Neville Marshall, presented the award to Dominic but not a single photo of the moment exists. So here's Dom winning a competition to see who looks the most like Leggsy... beating Leggsy]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think he could do more for the club...*the face*