Monday, 27 October 2008
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Wednesday, 15 October 2008

England could host Pakistan Tests
Wickman Junior has found something very interesting. So interesting in fact that he has decided to stop official work for 5 minutes to post this story.
The intro para couldn't be clearer. Perhaps it could be more definitive now that i think about it. But whatever....
Giles Clarke, the ECB chairman, has floated the idea that England could host Test matches for Asian countries who struggle to fill their grounds, or fail to attract opposition in the first place owing to security fears.
This opens a can of worms. Bangladesh versus Kenya at the Oval. Simply: wow. The likes of Steve Tikolo and Thomas Odoyo from Kenya, whom i've described in other media commitments as the "Durham" of the cricketing world taking on the might of Abdu Razzaq. You'd get 30,000 there for a 5 day match - FACT.
As a side note, doesn't Giles Clarke look like a shabby version of Geoff Lawson, the former Aussie superstar?
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
League Dinner - November 7th
No sooner have we got one Wick related event out of the way but another springs up. Its the League dinner. Friday November 7th is the date and the venue is Sandown Park. It'll be about £30, pay on the night, reasonable food and one year they had a really funny comedian who told black jokes. Luckily he was black. Still felt a bit funny laughing at some of them. Last year David Graveney turned up and bitched about the England players. Went down like a cup of cold sick. But Fudgey at least got to pick up a shield and runners up pennant for the 2s. This year we'll be picking up two trophies as you know and probably a batting prize for the absent Fudgey who topped last year's 2nd xi run chart... If you want to go please RSVP to Alison quicksmart.
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Club Dinner 8 - Club Man of the Year

Club Dinner 7 - Player of the Year

Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Aussie Invincibility Slipping? Or is Michael Clarke a bottler?

pulls a sickiejust before a big game. That's a big enough indicator that all might not be well. But look what the big girl's blouse is wearing in the photo. CATCHING GLOVES. Now some may say that this is a bit rich coming from the close personal friend of a wicketkeeper, but Wickman reckons Clarky should always field with keeping gloves on because he couldn't catch an STD without them. But an outfielder, wearing gloves, in practice? What does this mean for the game? Australia have obviously lost it. A retailer of cricket gear describes similar gloves as "building confidence" because the ball doesn't get away. But how confident are you going to feel when Ging Ganguly fences at a Brett Lee snorter and its shooting towards your likkle unprotected pinkies at 170kph? You are going to think "I wish I put my gloves on for this". But probably Clarke will be in his hotel bed anyway, complaining of a runny botty. And you can bet he didn't get it from the hotel's vidaloo. Oh no. He's a bottler... scared of Ishant Sharma digging one in his ribs or having to take a catch off that burly Yuvraj cove...
William Wright
Monday, 6 October 2008
Club Dinner 6 - Fantasy Cricket Results

Sunday, 5 October 2008
Club Dinner 5 - Batting Prize

Club Dinner 4 - Bowler of the Year

Club Dinner 3 - Fielder of the Year

Club Dinner 2

Club Dinner 1
Crikey. What a night. WHAT A NIGHT. Brilliantly organised and delivered by the fantastic Dominic Lown and Mr and Mrs Lown. Catering spot on, venue spot on (who has seen the Wick looking that good?), wine spot on (ahem), company spot on etc etc. The whole thing was spot on. Well done Dommy and to Matty D, Charlie and Clarky for able assistance. Haven't had that much fun at the Wick since the end of the season!
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