2 Highest Score for HWRCC: 55 v Ham and High
3 Best Bowling for HWRCC: 4/19 vs Old Tiffs (2008)
4 Favourite Away Ground: Teddington CC - perfect track. Reminds me of the school pitches we played on back in oz
5 Favourite Food: Wheatbix / porridge / cornflakes all mixed together to make a big bowl of cereal. Job done.
6 Favourite Singer/Band: Chris Cornell / Rage Against The Machine
7 Favourite Movie: Taxi Driver - could watch it again and again - (just pips American Psycho.....)
8 Favourite Book: The Cat in the Hat
9 Favourite Pub/Club: The Merchant in Clapham / Infernos (usually does the trick if i'm struggling to pull....)
10 Favourite Crisps: I can't stand crisps - sickening.
11 Favourite DBW Sandwich: Tuna
12 Favourite Quote: Bodhi - from Point Break: "It's basic dog psychology, if you scare them and get them peeing down their leg, they submit. But if you project weakness, that promotes violence, and that's how people get hurt."
13 Childhood Sports Hero: Viv Richards (anyone who can smoke a cigar and play professional sport gets my vote)
14 Best Wick Moment: Taking two wickets in the final over against Teddington Town to win the match, defending a total of just 95 runs.
15 Worst Wick Moment: Losing to Teddington away - came so bloody close!!!
16 Invite 3 People to Dinner (Dead or Alive) Steven Seagal, John Candy and Chris Rock
Better than the most recent match report.
C - next time, split the prozac in two
Jimmy, I was pumped after reading this. H
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