Monday, 5 November 2007

Friday Beers in town pre-Fullers League Dinner

Looking forward to Friday's celebration of the 2s promotion (aka The Fullers League Dinner)? If you are waged and working in London we'll be meeting at The Firestation for a drink or two. Wickman will be there from 5pm. We'll need to get the 18.32 to Esher from Waterloo so we don't miss the soup. See you there...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Does it have to be that shithole?
Literally anywhere else will do!

Anonymous said...

all over soup...

Anonymous said...

One assumes we are wearing the traditional wick ties tomorrow. Barry esq

Wickman said...

Lounge suits, Wick ties, bosh.

And yes, that shithole is preferable as Wickman is meeting a mate - the old two birds with one stone fella.

Anonymous said...

Can your mate meet you elsewhere?


Wickman said...

Wickman is guessing that you being larey has resulted in your ejection from said bar?

Tell uncle Wickman...

Meanwhile look out for a new blog post...


Anonymous said...

Ahem, yes well... perhaps thats a story for friday